5 Key Things to Consider When Hiring Your C-Suite

Your C-Suite is the brains of your business. The top-level executives are responsible for setting the company’s overall strategic direction, making critical decisions, and working towards consistent growth.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the people in your C-Suite can make or break your company. Poor management can cause operations to take a nosedive, leading to downsizing, closures, and potentially hundreds of people out of work.

With such high stakes, you must choose your C-Suite carefully. Whether you’re hiring for a Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), or Chief Technology Officer (CTO), you need to know that the people you’re putting your trust in have the skills and expertise to bring your company to success.

At Oakstone, we specialise in helping international companies identify and secure top-level executives who can drive their business to new heights. Read on for our guide to the five most important factors when hiring your C-Suite!

Relevant Experience

Clear Vision

Shared Values

Leadership Potential

Communication Skills

1. Relevant Experience

Having the right experience is critical for any role, and nowhere is this more important than with your C-Suite.

When hiring for C-Suite positions, you should ask the candidate to demonstrate knowledge in the specific role they’re being considered for. Look for someone who has experience working in similar industries or with similar business models - it’s a good idea to ask the candidate to provide tangible proof of their successes, such as through case studies or portfolios.

2. Clear Vision

The C-Suite makes critical decisions that determine your company’s future. They set long-term goals, select the company’s strategic direction, allocate resources, and manage risks.

To effectively carry out these responsibilities, the C-suite must possess a strategic mindset and have a clear vision for the future. They also need to understand the market, industry trends, and competition to develop effective strategies that can drive the company’s growth.

When hiring for C-Suite positions, candidates who demonstrate the right level of strategic thinking are essential. Such individuals can create a roadmap and navigate the business landscape by making informed decisions that align with the company’s goals.

3. Shared Values

C-Suite executives set the tone for the entire organisation. Whether your company is young and easygoing, strictly professional, or anything in between, the people in your C-Suite must share the same values and outlook. Consider the candidate’s personality, work style, and leadership approach, and evaluate how well they fit in with your team and the company’s mission.

4. Leadership Potential

As the heads of their respective departments, the people in your C-Suite need to have genuinely stand-out leadership skills. In addition, candidates should have a proven ability to motivate and inspire their teams, build consensus, and make difficult decisions when necessary.

In addition to speaking to the person, you can reach out to people who’ve worked under them to get their thoughts on their leadership skills. Positive feedback will signal that the person will lead their new department well, while doubts and criticism may indicate that their leadership skills aren’t up to par.

5. Communication skills

Communication skills are vital for any C-Suite executive, as they’re responsible for building solid relationships with employees, clients, and stakeholders.

The ideal candidate should be an articulate communicator who can inspire others while conveying complex ideas in an easy-to-understand way. In addition, they need to be skilled at listening actively and providing thoughtful responses, and they should be able to diffuse difficult situations with reassurance and a touch of humour.

They should also have good writing skills to prepare reports communicating the company’s strategies and performance to stakeholders.

Build Your Company’s C-Suite With Oakstone

At Oakstone, we’ve been cultivating effective leadership within international SaaS/Cloudtechnology service, and FinTech organisations for over 27 years. We know how important it is to have qualified and experienced leaders in today’s competitive business landscape, and we’re committed to guiding our partners in achieving this goal.

We specialise in headhunting and recruiting high-impact C-level executives to technology companies throughout the EMEA, US, and APAC. Focusing on CXO and executive leadership, we leverage our extensive network and industry expertise to help our clients build strong and successful leadership teams.

Partnering with Oakstone means gaining access to a proven track record of success in executive search and recruitment, as well as a commitment to providing unparalleled support throughout the process.

Let us help you build your leadership team to drive your organisation forward. Please book a consultation online or call us on 0845 456 4849 to get started! 

Oakstone International

Oakstone International is a SaaS and Fintech specialist executive search firm.


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