Oakstone International

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Get to Know Ollie Hill

Get to know recruitment consultant, Ollie Hill.

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

I am a huge football fan. I used to play regularly but I don’t think my current fitness levels would allow me to anymore! I am a huge Man City fan and have followed them around multiple stadiums over the country.


What attracted you to the world of recruitment?

The role itself as it involves building relationships and rapport with people. Also, the harder you work, the more you get rewarded.


What were your initial thoughts on Oakstone International?

It’s a great modern company with friendly and helpful people. Everyone wants to see everyone else do well and succeed. The culture is great.


What is some advice you would give to someone who is going for an interview?

Be personable and have a great attitude. Culture is increasingly important to companies nowadays and therefore softer skills are highly valued.


What are three questions every candidate should ask in an interview?

  • What are the opportunities for career progression?

  • What have previous employees done to succeed in this position?

  • What do you personally like about working for this organisation?


What are three questions every hiring manager should ask in an interview?

  • What is your long-term career plan?

  • Why are you looking for a new role?

  • What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?


What advice would you give to hiring managers?

Be friendly and encourage a two-way conversation. This provides a good opportunity for both you and the candidate to determine whether the role could be a good fit.


Why should companies work with Oakstone International?

We search specifically for candidates that will be a great fit for your company based on your unique requirements.

We also find the best candidates whether they are looking for a career move or not.