Why Workplace Kindness Is Good For Business

It’s safe to say that times have been tough over the last few years. Most aspects of our lives have been altered and we have all faced a huge amount of pressure, uncertainty, and anxiety.

The social isolation we have all experienced has impacted the way we interact with one another. Interaction has been reduced to limited or condensed conversation.

Although we’re slowly getting back to normal, some people are struggling to adjust to getting back into the day-to-day swing of things, which is why we should not forget the importance of workplace kindness.

When times are tough, kindness can easily be overseen. This is likely due to kindness being seen as a vulnerability, which may put people at a disadvantage during a cut-throat time of turmoil.

Many business leaders hold onto the mentality that when it comes to employee wellbeing, it should be ‘survival of the fittest’, and there is little space for compassion in the workplace.

Why are they wrong? Kindness is not only good for increased levels of confidence, a sense of control, increased happiness, and a more positive attitude. Kindness also positively impacts company culture, helping companies build a more inclusive, empathetic, and supportive work environment with a higher sense of belonging and camaraderie among co-workers.


The physical benefits of kindness

Kindness doesn’t just impact us emotionally. It plays a crucial part in our physical well-being too. A study by the University of British Columbia discovered that people have 23% less cortisol (known as the stress hormone). Other benefits include:

  • Increased serotonin (regulates mood)

  • Increased happiness

  • Ease anxiety

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Decreased pain

The power of meaning

Practising kindness also helps life feel more meaningful. Being kind to others improves our well-being, happiness and sense of meaning in life, research finds.  Being kind brings a sense of meaning because it involves investing in something bigger than ourselves. It shapes both how others perceive us — which improves our reputation — and how we view ourselves.


How can you practice kindness?

Simple acts of kindness in the workplace are enough to make an impactful difference in your culture. Encourage your team to practice the following:

  • Offer to make a cup of tea

  • Sending a thank-you note or email

  • Acknowledging or greeting someone in a positive way

  • Checking in on people and seeing how they’re doing

  • Celebrating wins

The more you nurture a feeling of kindness, the happier and calmer you will be.

— The Dalai Lama

Oakstone International

Oakstone International is a SaaS and Fintech specialist executive search firm.


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